
Greater Noida Riders is a sport & Superbike riders community that has 100+ active members in Delhi/NCR.
GNRC is all about riding, riding, and riding. At the same time, it has become a second family for most of our seasoned members and our regular weekly / bi-weekly meets keep us all pepped up. The reason being, we all share the same passion for the kind of motorcycle we ride and the kind of routes we like to traverse.

Our Motto: Live To Ride


GNRC was founded by Nagendra Singh Sirola & Nitish Arnold in 2018. They have been associated with many other Motorcycle riding clubs before the entire idea of creating an exclusive motorcycle club came into their mind for NCR riders. On 1st August, 2018 Greater Noida Riders Club (GNRC) was formed formally.


GNRC members together form the biking fraternity. Unbiased approach and open to all passionate 2 wheelers, GNRC believes in unity in diversity. For us caste, creed, color, religion or sex doesn’t matter at all. After all, who cares about this orthodox philosophy. GNRC members come from diverse culture and profession, but for GNRC all are same – RIDING ENTHUSIASTS.

What We Do

We generally meet every week to discuss the on-going agendas, future trips and the usual “chai-paani-bakar”. If one can not track us at the meeting spots, we might have already left for another trip either to the jungles, or mountains, or coastal side etc.

We keep a healthy and friendship relationship with other clubs and share the ground during a few common events also like Riders Mania, IBW etc.

Social Responsibilty

As a matter of social responsibility, GNRC ensures to return back to the society in every possible manner by extended help in cash or kind to needy. GNRC has soft tie-ups with a few NGOs across India. But the buck doesn’t stop here! During our trips to remote places, we ensure to donate as much as possible since it gives a sense of satisfaction of reaching the needy directly.